Ortak Çalıştığımız Ülkeler :
Pakistan da yeni bayimiz, ZM ACCOCIATES
Çalıştığımız ülkeler :
- İngiltere
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- İtalya
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Kuzey Afrika
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- Sudan
Orta Doğu
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- B.A.E
Türki Cumhuriyetler
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Kuzey Afrika
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- Nijer
- Etiyopya
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- Djibouti
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- Kenya
Kuzey Afrika
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- Mozambik
- Fildişi Sahili
- Demokratik Kongo
- Arnavutluk
- Kosova
- Makedonya
- Sırbistan
- Karadağ
- Bulgaristan
- Gürcistan
- Ermenistan
- Pakistan
- Singapur
Pakistan Bayi ZM Associate
We, ZM Associates (ZMA), are one of the leading Engineering companies in Pakistan. ZMA is the distributor of international brands of power generation, industrial solutions and services. ZMA is providing the best engineering solutions to the consumer requirements. We have the most experienced sales and services staff on board. Our trained Technical team has vast experience in relevant fields like power generation, DATA centers, renewable energy and more. Our engineers are committed to design economical and reliable solution to your needs. Our platform is designed to offer custom-made power solutions, genuine spare parts, renewable energy systems & related end-to-end services for our clients. Our strength lies in our ability to understand market demands, keeping up with the changing technological trends, building relationships and offering solutions, which are most dependable, efficient, cost effective and exceeding client expectations.